Windows 7 RC  - Asks for what type of network every cold boot
Hi, I fail at finding the "submit feedback" button which was on windows 7 beta, so just trying to report a bug / issue i have been having with Windows 7 RC (which was not present in the beta). Every time I do a cold boot, i am presented with the Network wizard, asking what type of network i would like to connect to. I choose Home. (now at Home Network #4). After a reset it is fine, but if i cold boot, it brings up the "choose the type of network you are connecting to" box again.
June 4th, 2009 8:08pm

Have you connected using multiple wireless connections or was this the only one you've used?
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June 15th, 2009 11:25pm

That was the only one i used. And it was a "wired" connection. In a virtual machine. :)
June 27th, 2009 7:00pm

We don't support issues encountered on virtual machines. Well the trouble with Virtual Machines is we can't really vouch for the hardware being used, as it is all software. So feedback from the virtual machine wouldn't be of much use anyway. If you had the same issue outside a virtual machine we could figure out the problem.
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June 27th, 2009 7:06pm

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